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Javascript for fun: Combinations
1 min readJul 10, 2020
I had a small request to display all the true/false combinations.
The only catch was that 2 vars cannot be true,true or false,false .
So ..
var totalCombinatinations=0;
for (let i = 0; i < 1 << 5; i++) {
if (!(!!(i & (1<<3))==!!(i & (1<<2))) ) {
console.log([!!(i & (1<<4)),!!(i & (1<<3)),!!(i & (1<<2)), !!(i & (1<<1)), !!(i & 1)]); totalCombinatinations++;
console.log("Total Combinatinations: "+totalCombinatinations);
You can try it on your browser console or just in a simple nodejs